Pediatric Neuro-Ophthalmology
It is a sub speciality in modern-day ophthalmology that deals with the systemic
disorders between the eyes, optic nerve and the brain. At
Kids eye consult, we
have Eye specialists, who are exclusively qualified to diagnose and treat visual
problems that present in the eye socket, optic nerve, muscles or brain. Our lead
Dr. Amit Gupta has received advanced training in this sub-domain and has
been tendering his expert services for many years now. He has trained many young
doctors under his supervision in neuro-ophthalmology. He handles brain
originated nervous system problems, eye muscle controls that can adversely
affect a child’s vision partially or permanently.
Neuro-Ophthalmic Conditions that we regularly treat at kids Eye Consult:
We cover a broad range of eye diseases that come under the ambit of Neuro-Ophthalmic
sub speciality.
If a child or an adult patient develops any of the indicated
Symptoms, you should visit us immediately for an in-time treatment; before it
gets out of hand. Lead symptoms may include :
Unusual Eye moments
Optic nerve diseases

Unequal size of Pupil in eyes

Delayed vision progress

Eye Drooping or Ptosis

A brain tumour related vision loss

Unexplained vision loss or gradual degeneration of eyesight

Uncontrolled muscle spasm in eyelids or face

Double vision

Thyroid eye disease
Important to note here that babies or young children themselves will not be able
to communicate such symptomatic conditions or share their unease arising out of
these neuro disorders. So as parents, if you notice such symptoms or suspect any
unusual neurological behaviours in your child - You should contact us right away
at Kids eye Consult.
A thorough and careful examination of your child is of critical importance for a
valid and correct diagnosis in any paediatric Neuro-Eye Disease. With their
extensive clinical expertise, our doctors discuss your case with specialist
physicians, gather their expert inputs to help map the exact cause. They will
further patiently study the medical history of the child and consider all
medical reports of the past. They use sophisticated optical and brain imaging
techniques to supplement final clinical conclusions. Consequently, they
determine the most suitable & personalised treatment plan for your child in
light of all key observations, interdisciplinary medical opinions and test
(report) findings.
Based on the investigations, expert opinions and clinical assessments
you may be put on Prescribed Medication, advised Visual therapy aids, given
Specially fitted eyeglasses like prism lenses or encouraged to go for a
minimally invasive laser or Traditional surgery
Many of the surgical procedures are done in an outpatient setting, without an
overnight stay. The treatment Success ratio is impressive. Treatment range at
kids eye consult covers vision restoration, vision-loss reduction, better muscle
and nerve control, visual therapy, and visual aids for vision enhancement.
Importantly, children vision recovery is better than adults with similar
illnesses. For any related query or immediate consultation, please call us at
98962-59777 or mail us at